
Updated December 2023

It is MagellanTV’s mission to bring you the finest documentaries from around the world. The power of telling real stories has defined the human experience and point the way to the future. It truly is Television Worth Watching.

Do feel the thrill of a great story, well told? Do you crave the powerful drama of history, the excitement of scientific discovery, and the awe-inspiring beauty of the natural world? Then you know that television should be both entertaining and smart. MagellanTV scours the globe for documentaries with the most dramatic imagery, most cutting-edge subjects, and most authentic insights from the world’s top historians, scientists, and explorers.

MagellanTV was built by documentary filmmakers who share your passion for gripping, true stories. We add new programs every week – selecting only the best shows for our growing collection of over 3,000 of the world’s best documentary series and features.  

So whether you’re passionate about history, science, nature, crime, or nearly anything else, join us and experience MagellanTV – Television Worth Watching.

Scroll down for App Download Link

If you need a VPN, Click here for the one I use and recommend

Instructions for Installation

  1. Click on the “Gear” at far right side of Home Screen

2. Find and click on “My Fire TV”

3. Move down and click on “Developer options”

4. Move down and click on “Install unknown apps”

5. Make sure it says “ON” for the App “Downloader”

6. Click Home button, the find and open “Downloader”

7. Type in the URL or short code 89364