The FILELINKED Replacement is HERE!

In the three months since this popular application for side-loading Apps on Amazon Firesticks and Android Streaming Devices was shut down, several contenders have entered the ring to take it’s spot.

Just a couple of days after Filelinked was gone, new replacements started cropping up and the debate started about which one was going to rise to the top and be the definitive replacement.
What now?
After three short (?) months that question has been answered. In the Video Below, I’m not only going to show you which application it is. I’m going to show you how easy it is to install. I’m going to show you what I think is the most popular code as of writing of this post.
…and the Winner is:

Applinked has proven to be the most “Filelinked-Like” application so far. There are MANY stores now available with Hundreds of 3rd Party Apps.
Watch this for all the Details:
Some Screen Shots of Applinked too HOT for Youtube:

I downloaded and installed Applinked 1.0.9 after removing 1.1.0 and cannot get any store codes (tried over 25) to load and the public store does not load either. Any advice very much appreciated
I think there was a problem yesterday because it didn’t work for me either. I tried several Store Codes again today and they are all working. Give it another try and let me know how it goes.